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What is Nearpod? Features and Uses in the classroom

We’ve all experienced that one moment in a classroom where our eyes are glazed over and we are counting down the minutes until class ends. That’s because most of the time spent in the classroom is spent doing mundane tasks like taking notes and copying information from the board. Nearpod is an app that solves that problem by turning the classroom into a game of learning. In this blog, we will discuss Nearpod and the benefits of using it in the classroom. But before diving into its features and benefits, let’s understand what is Nearpod

What is Nearpod 1


What is Nearpod?

Nearpod is a mobile as well as a web app that allows teachers to create and share engaging multimedia presentations with their students. With Nearpod, teachers can easily add interactive features to their presentations, such as quizzes, polls, and videos. Nearpod is a great way to engage students in the classroom and to make learning more interactive and fun.

There are many great features of the Nearpod app. Perhaps the best feature is that it allows users to create and share interactive presentations. This is a great way to engage students and get them involved in the lesson. Additionally, Nearpod provides a wealth of resources and support materials to help users get the most out of the app. There is also a strong community of Nearpod users who are always willing to help and support one another. It is one of the most popular teaching apps available in the market. There are many reasons behind its popularity. But let us first discuss its accessibility and working.

How Does Nearpod Work?

Nearpod is a powerful teaching tool that works on a variety of devices, from smartphones to laptops. To use Nearpod, simply create an account and log in. From there, you can create a lesson plan or import one from the Nearpod library. Once you’ve created your lesson, you can launch it and share the code with your students. They can join your lesson from any device with an internet connection. During the lesson, you can use the Nearpod tools to engage your students and track their progress.

Benefits of Using Nearpod in the classroom

There are many benefits of using Nearpod in the classroom.

  • For one, it can help to increase student engagement and motivation. Lessons can turn boring but features like editable premade lessons and integrating Virtual Reality in the classroom can make learning interesting. 
  • Additionally, Nearpod lessons are interactive and multimedia-rich, which can help to keep students engaged and interested in the material. 
  • Teachers can add gamification in the classroom seamlessly using Nearpod without multi-tab clicking. 
  • Teachers can provide a more hands-on learning experience using Nearpod through 3D models and simulations. 
  • Using Nearpod, teachers can use Nearpod for instant feedback and post-session reports. 
  • Finally, since students can participate in Nearpod lessons using their own devices, teachers can create a more personalized remote learning experience.

Ways to Use Nearpod in the classroom

  • Teachers can replace the traditional presentation tools with Nearpod. 
  • Nearpod allows better student interaction and helps in effective feedback in the classroom.
  • Distributing educational resources is made easier and swifter with the help of Nearpod.
  • Nearpid enables real-time understanding of lessons in the classroom. Teachers can create quizzes, polls and open-ended questionnaires to check the progress of students.
  • Teachers can integrate Nearpod into the lessons to improve collaboration in the classroom. 
  • Teachers can choose from 22,000+ pre-made lesson plans available on Nearpod. These editable lessons can be customized according to the needs of the students. 
  • Nearpod helps in digitizing the physical material and teachers can integrate tools like Virtual Reality, Quizzes and Games to make these lessons more interesting. 
  • Nearpod can be seamlessly integrated into various Google Classroom tools like Google Slides and Google Drive.


Nearpod is a subscription-based service that offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs. The Basic plan also known as the Silver plan is free and ideal for individual teachers who want to create and deliver simple lessons. The Premium plan known as the Gold plan is $120 per year and offers more features and options for those who want to create more sophisticated lessons. The platinum plan is for $349 per year and is designed for schools and districts that want to use Nearpod on a larger scale with a capacity of 90 students.

Nearpod is a highly effective and user-friendly online tool to create electronic interactive content such as quizzes, polls, presentations, and more. If you are looking to make your classroom more interactive, it is a must-have tool. 

Teachers in the 21st century need to be tech-savvy. Using classroom apps like Nearpod can help them in upskilling and land a better job. Teachers can learn digital skills from self-paced learning courses on Youtube. But if you are interested in live and interactive upskilling courses for educators, then courses like Google Certified Educators or Microsoft Certified Educators by upEducators are the right choices for you.

Author: This article is written by Samiya Rashid for upEducators blog.

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